Minecraft 1.11.2 command block creations
Minecraft 1.11.2 command block creations

Dedicate 2GB of RAM (In the launcher, select Launch Options, click on the 1.11 profile that you use, enable the slider for "JVM arguments", and change "-Xmx1G" to -Xmx2G").Logging off during dialog, menus, battles, or cutscenes may break the game. Save the game in the start menu before logging off.Back up your world save so that you can revert if you encounter any issues! MAKE REGULAR BACKUPS! Despite my best efforts, there will be bugs.Minimum render distance - 16 chunks Optimal render distance - 24 chunks If you are exploring the command blocks, increasing your render distance will reduce lag.The map may be played in both singleplayer and multiplayer, although only one player can control the game at a time. The project took around 21 months to complete, and uses over 357,000 command blocks. I have done my best to incorporate all of the original game's features, along with a few iconic bugs (most notably MissingNo/'M and item duplication). This is a full recreation of Pokémon Red in Vanilla Minecraft using only command blocks and a resource pack. May contain typing mistakes but you get the idea.Click here to watch the official trailer!

minecraft 1.11.2 command block creations

execute as run scoreboard players add timer 1 > chain command block execute as at if entity run kill > chain command block > chain command block (this is where you say what the beam does to the player on impact) execute as at run particle cloud ~ ~ ~ 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 10 > chain command block

minecraft 1.11.2 command block creations

execute as at run tp ^ ^ ^0.5 facing entity > chain command block execute as at unless entity run tag remove attack > chain command block scoreboard players reset timer > chain command block (don't forget to change "20" to whatever you have in the previous command) execute as at run summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ > chain command block (20 ticks = 1 second) scoreboard players add timer 1 > chain command block execute as at if entity run tag add attack > repeating command block Make a scoreboard timer /scoreboard objectives add timer dummy summoning an armor stand with fancy particles and moving it forward.

Minecraft 1.11.2 command block creations